This course is especially powerful: during it we change our subconscious thinking schemes and interpretations of reality very deeply and widely. These schemes and interpretations control us and create our lives. By changing them, we change the world. This wonderful course is devoted to the deepest cleansing, healing and freeing yourself from resentment, hatred, fears, anger or prejudice that you consciously or subconsciously hold. The latter may be against: whites, blacks, red skinned, yellow skinned people, certain nationalities, religions, wealthy or poor people, fat or skinny people. Translation: Possible translation to English; Возможность перевода на русский язык. Prerequisites: ThetaHealing® Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper certificates.
Being free from limiting beliefs, we can treat all people with unconditional love, with no regard to any categories s/he belongs to.
At the same time, this course will help you help others using ThetaHealing® without any prejudice and teach this wonderful practice in any country or culture.
Join this amazing course that will broaden your unconditional love on all levels of belief and cleanse the love both in you and in every person in the world.
Let’s start with the fact that the Creator and your parents gave you a great gift – your life! Love your life every minute, cherish it and make it the most beautiful for yourself. It is in your hands. Don’t give up!!! Always know that the biggest trips start from the first small step. Do not be afraid and step it, because loving yourself is your main task. Let’s meet at the seminar and start the Great Trip to Yourself!