Prerequisites: Course can only be attended by holders of ThetaHealing® Basic DNR and Advanced DNR certificates. Translation: Possible translation to English; Возможность перевода на русский язык. This is two days of deep transformation with ThetaHealing®, learning to create abundance in all areas of your life!
Let’s start with the fact that the Creator and your parents gave you a great gift – your life! Love your life every minute, cherish it and make it the most beautiful for yourself. It is in your hands. Don’t give up!!! Always know that the biggest trips start from the first small step. Do not be afraid and step it, because loving yourself is your main task. Let’s meet at the seminar and start the Great Trip to Yourself!
The course is held by Inga Heron, a certified ThetaHealing® Master, instructor – teacher, who has the highest ThetaHealing qualification in the Baltic countries, she has ThetaHealing Certificate of Science; founder and leader of the Theta Club, a professional ThetaHealing® practitioner and coach with more than 18 years of teaching practice. Conducts seminars, meditations and consults people around the world.